Zinc Data File Version 4.0 /a1 /a1. UI_ICON UI_BITMAP UIW_WINDOW UI_HELP UI_MESSAGE DERIVE_TABLE APPLICATION ASTERISK EXCLAMATION QUESTION Diamond angle_down_arrow arrow status_question happy ABOUT_ASPI_FORMAT ASPI_WINDOW FORMAT_CAUTION FORMAT_STATUS_WINDOW INITIALIZING_WINDOW NO_ASPI_WINDOW NO_DEV_WINDOW WAITING_WINDOW ABOUT_ASPI_FORMAT About ASPI Format About ASPI Format Diamond ABOUT_ICON Diamond ABOUT_DESCRIPTION Diamond ASPI Format Utility ABOUT_VERSION_LABEL Version: ASPIFMT-1.00.06 ABOUT_OK_BUTTON ASPI_WINDOW Diamond ASPI Format ASPI_WINDOW_STATUS_BAR$ ASPIFMF1_TAB_STATUS_PROMPT F1-Help Tab-Next Field ASPI_WINDOW_STATUS_BAR_CURSORS arrow ARROW_STATUS_PROMPT -Chooses Device SPACE_ENTER_STATUS_PROMPT Space or Enter-Selects STATUS_BAR_QUESTION status_question ALT_ESC_STATUS_PROMPT Alt+-Presses button ESC or F3-Exits any window DRIVE_LIST NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ HBA_LIST NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ FORMAT_OK &Format FORMAT_EXIT E&xit FORMAT_HELP_BUTTON &Help FORMAT_ABOUT &About HBA_FIELD Host Adapter(s): DEV_FIELD Select Device(s) to Format: FORMAT_CAUTION Diamond ASPI Format CANCEL_FORMAT &Cancel FORMAT_PROCEED &Format FORMAT_CAUTION_HELP &Help SELECTED_DEVICES_PROMPT You have selected the following device(s) to format: SELECTED_DEVICES_VT_LIST NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ MAKE_BOOT_FLOPPY_TEXT If the device you are going to format is going to be your primary boot drive, please exit this utility and prepare a bootable floppy with the files FDISK.EXE and FORMAT.COM on it. CAUTION_PROMPT *** CAUTION *** CAUTION_TEXT THIS PROCESS TAKES FROM SEVERAL MINUTES TO AN HOUR OR MORE PER DEVICE AND COMPLETELY AND IRREVERSIBLY REMOVES ALL DATA FROM EACH DEVICE. SELECT FORMAT ONLY IF YOU ARE POSITIVE YOU WANT TO CONTINUE. EXCLAMATION_1 EXCLAMATION EXCLAMATION_2 EXCLAMATION FORMAT_STATUS_WINDOW Diamond ASPI Format Status SUCCESSFUL_TITLE Successfully Formatted Drive(s) FAILED_TITLE Failed Formatting Drive(s) SUCCESSFUL_DRIVES_LIST NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ SUCCESSFUL_NONE FAILED_DRIVES_LIST NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ FAILED_NONE FORMAT_STATUS_EXIT E&xit FORMAT_STATUS_DETAILS &Help HAPPY_FACE_2 happy SAD_FACE_1 HAPPY_FACE_1 happy SAD_FACE_2 SELECT_DETAILS_PROMPT Please select the Help button or press F1 for more information. INITIALIZING_WINDOW Diamond ASPI Format INITIALIZING_PROMPT Looking for devices. . . NO_ASPI_WINDOW Diamond ASPI Format NO_ASPI_EXIT_BUTTON E&xit ASPI_MANAGER_NOT_FOUND_PROMPT ERROR - ASPI Manager NOT found! LOAD_ASPI_MANAGER_PROMPT Please EXIT and LOAD an ASPI Manager to use this utility. SYM_LOGO_2A Diamond NO_DEV_WINDOW Diamond ASPI Format NO_DEV_EXIT E&xit NO_SCSI_DEVICE_PROMPT ERROR - No SCSI devices were found to format! NO_DEVICE_ADD_DEVICE_PROMPT A SCSI Device running under an ASPI manager must be attached to use this utility. WAITING_WINDOW Diamond ASPI Format FORMAT_PROGRESS_PROMPT@ ! ! ! FORMAT IN PROGRESS ! ! ! FORMAT_NO_REBOOT_PROMPT DO NOT reboot while drive(s) are formatting! DEVICE_FORMATTING_STRING HA_NUM:0, ID:0, LUN:0 - DIAMOND'S SCSI ASPI MANAGER DEVICE_FORMATTING_PROMPT Formatting REBOOT_STOP_1 REBOOT_STOP_2 ELAPSED_TIME_DISPLAY 00:00:00 ELAPSED_TIME_PROMPT Elapsed time: WAITING_WINDOW_DOWN_ARROW angle_down_arrow FORMAT_STATUS_HELP FORMAT_CAUTION_HELP_TEXT GENERAL_HELP Format Status Help The Format Status window contains two list boxes and a Help button to help you interpret the format status information. Help Button - Brings up this help. Press the Help button to get help on window objects and information on the format status. List Boxes - The format status window contains two list boxes that display the format status of drives. The successfully formatted drive(s) is/are listed in the "Successfully Formatted Drive(s)" list box and the failed drive(s) is/are listed in the "Failed Formatting Drive(s)" list box. Failed Format ~~~~~~~~~~ The "Failed Formatting Drive(s)" list box contains an additional error message (preceding the device ID) that describes the cause of the failure. The error messages are: Media changed Media not present. Write protected. Unknown Actions for error messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Media changed - The media has been removed and may have been reinserted, or a different media was inserted after device detection. If you are sure the media you have inserted is the one you want to format, then exit out of the status window and restart the format operation. This error message most frequently occurs after a Media Not Present error message when the media is reinserted and the format restarted. Media not present - There is no media available to format in this device. Please insert media and retry the format. NOTE: For this error, you will have to retry the format twice before the format will take effect. Upon reinserting the media, the first try at the format will give you a Media Changed error message. The second try will make the format take effect. Write Protected - The media is write protected. Remove write protection and retry the format. Unknown - An unknown error occured while formatting. If retry fails, you may need technical support from the device manufacturer. Successfully Formatted Devices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For successfully formatted drive(s) you must run FDISK.EXE to re-partition your drive(s) and then FORMAT.COM to make the drive(s) accessible to DOS. If you do not know how to use these utilities, please consult your DOS reference manual. Format Caution Help The format caution window displays a warning message to inform you of the consequences of starting a format. It also contains a list box and three buttons. List Box ~~~~~~~ The list box displays all the devices you have selected to format from the main ASPI format window. This reiterates the device selection for your benefit. Buttons ~~~~~~ Format - This button will start the format of the device(s) you have selected. Press this button only if you are sure you want to format! Cancel - This button will allow you to cancel out of the format and go back to the main ASPI format window. Help - Brings up this help window. Caution message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the drive you are going to format is going to be your PRIMARY BOOT drive, you should exit this utility and prepare a bootable floppy with the file FDISK.EXE and FORMAT.COM on it. If you are not sure what these tools are, please consult your DOS manual for more information. The formatting process takes from several minutes to an hour or more per device and completely and irreversibly removes all data from each device. You should select format only if you are positive you want to format the selected drive(s). General HelpL Welcome to Diamond's ASPI Format Utility! This utility will allow you to perform a LOW LEVEL format on a formattable device running under an ASPI manager. ASPI Format will allow you to select multiple drives to format. The format is done sequentially and not in parallel. Be prepared to wait from several minutes to several hours per drive. NOTE: Please DO NOT REBOOT during formatting! ASPI Format Window ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ASPI Format window contains several objects that allow you to view and select formattable SCSI devices on your computer. The window consists of two list boxes, three buttons and a key stroke help status bar. List Boxes ~~~~~~~~ The first list box "Host Adapter(s)" will list the Host Bus Adapters found on your computer. The format is host adapter:# - vendor. For example: HBA#:0 - SYMBIOS LOGIC. The second list box (Select Device(s) to Format) lists all the SCSI formattable devices running under an ASPI manager found on the computer. The format is: host adapter:#, ID:#, LUN:# - vendor. You MUST select one or more device(s) from this list to format. Buttons ~~~~~~ Three buttons are available on the ASPI Format window, they allow you to FORMAT, EXIT or get HELP. Format - After selecting one or more device(s) to format from the "Select Device(s) to format" list box, pressing this button will bring up a format caution window allowing you to CANCEL or PROCEED with the format. Exit - This will quit the ASPI format utility. Help - Brings up this help window. *************************************** NOTE: Currently when help is displayed and then minimized from the CAUTION window, WAIT window or STATUS window, you will not be able to restore the minimized help window. For this reason please refrain from minimizing the help window from any of the previously mentioned windows. If you happen to minimize a help window, you can restore help by exiting the window the help was called from. *************************************** Each button will have text on it that describes its purpose. Part of the text will have an underlined character that gives access to that button when a mouse is not available. This character is the "HOT" character. Pressing the Alt key plus the underlined character from the keyboard will activate that button. Status Bar ~~~~~~~~ On the main window is a status bar that gives you help on the most important key strokes for this utility. If a mouse is not available you will have to use the keyboard to navigate this utility. Navigation ~~~~~~~~ If you have a mouse navigation is easy, just point and click! If a mouse is not available, here are some keyboard navigation tips: Press... F1 - For help at any time on any window. Tab - Move the focus of selection to a different object. When a focus is on on object, a dotted rectangular box appears on that object. Arrow keys - Scroll within an object or from object to object. The dotted rectangular box move focus to the next object in the window. Enter or Space - Selects or deselects the object the current focus is on. Select causes the object to be highlighted (an aqua color). Deselect causes the object to become clear with a dotted rectangular box on or around it. Alt+ - This is the "HOT" key stroke combination used when a mouse is not used or unavailable to activate a button. Press the Alt key then the underlined letter to activate the button. Esc or F3 - Closes any window back to the previous window. If the window is the main ASPI Format window, the utility program will exit and quit the application.